
Royals at Home, the brand new royal special from the team behind Discover Brtain Magazine, is out now! The...

This luxury hotel is situated right next to bustling Liverpool Station, but is a haven for a tranquil, stylish London stay

ranger's house

Kate Youde steps inside Ranger's House, the real-life Bridgerton house, which has seen its own fair share of Georgian and Regency scandal

garrison chapel

Henrietta Easton reports on the transformation of the Garrison Chapel into a public space showcasing the Prince’s Foundation’s commitment to sustainability and heritage crafts Once serving its...

Did you know that there were whole sections of London’s underground network that lay hidden in plain sight? At the London Transport Museum you...

Who do you think are the greatest British heroes, who have helped shape our proud nation into what it is today? Nominate your British heroes...

Jack the Ripper

More than 135 years after Jack the Ripper claimed his final victim, author and tour guide, John Bennett visits the locations where the grisly murderers...

Charles Dickens Museum

How better to experience the rich traditions of a Victorian Christmas than in the home of the author of A Christmas Carol? Discover Britain looks forward...

the princes in the tower

2022 marks the 10 year anniversary since the uncovering of the remains of King Richard III of England. We look back at the mystery...

Kate Youde goes behind the scenes of the Goldsmiths' Company and meets some of the people upholding the traditions of the 700-year-old institution – one of...