
much wenlock

James March tell us how the modern Olympics were inspired by a Shropshire local from the town of Much Wenlock with big...

hauteville house

A visit to Victor Hugo’s Guernsey home of Hauteville House is like a tour through the literary giant’s imagination, writes Antonia Windsor 

churchill and D-Day

Allen Packwood, co-author of a new book, tells the D-Day story, 80 years on from the Allied invasion

horsted keynes

Today Horsted Keynes is one of the most serene and peaceful villages in Sussex, but, as Russell Higham discovers, Horsted Keynes was...

facts about st patrick

St Patrick – the patron saint of Ireland – is steeped in mythology. Here are 10 things we think we know about the man, known as the "Apostle of Ireland".

king robert the bruce

Scotland’s King Robert the Bruce did what few imagined possible and freed Scotland from its English overlords, for a while at least,...

tudors in love

Love in the Tudor era was not for the faint-hearted, says Nancy Alsop Courtly love in the time of...

Jeremy Flint visits Holkham Hall, in Norfolk, to meet Jake Fiennes, who is tasked with making the vast estate more sustainable

ranger's house

Kate Youde steps inside Ranger's House, the real-life Bridgerton house, which has seen its own fair share of Georgian and Regency scandal

levens hall

Sally Coffey reveals some of the secrets of Cumbria's largest Elizabethan house, Levens Hall: from a gamble gone wrong to links to...